This #topteam consists of around 30 people. From various functional areas, from the entire Group. In this interview, they tell us what their voluntary commitment actually looks like and how they implement their projects in addition to their day-to-day business. 

What have you achieved as a team?  

“Over the past few years, we have initiated, supported and realized many great initiatives. The added value that we create with the projects is always different.  

For example, we launched a new live talk format called "dare2fail" at the Quartier. In these events, colleagues talk openly about mistakes they have made and what they have learned from them. The participants represent a cross-section of our Group - our board members, leaders and employees from various teams and segments. Dealing with one's own mistakes and sharing experiences is a first step toward an open culture of mistakes. The events are being received super well. 

Another group of NWoW volunteers opened 2021, a swap meet for office supplies at the Quartier. The background is the conversion of office space to the new, flexible space concept. Offices are no longer permanently assigned, but are selected and booked by the employee depending on the current task. This has eliminated the need for a lot of office supplies. The idea of the NWoW team is that unused office supplies in good condition are not thrown away, but collected and passed on to colleagues who need them. In this way, we also reduce the need to reorder materials. This is a real win-win situation that contributes to the sustainability concept of our group of companies. 

And a truly great #strongertogether project was recently realized in September: On the occasion of World Children's Day we organized a family festival for and in support of refugees in Essen. The aim was to show solidarity and at the same time present thyssenkrupp as a good neighbor and employer. Therefore a part of the area was used by the Corporate recruiting team to present thyssenkrupp and open positions in the region. At the same time, we were able to collect over 300 Euros in donations for the refugees with a flea market, and another donation initiative is still ongoing.  

And of course after the project is before the project: In 2023, for example, we will be hosting a thyssenkrupp Family Event at the Quartier.”

How did you achieve this together? 

“We bring together a wide variety of colleagues. But we all have one thing in common: Each of us is passionate about thyssenkrupp – and wants to make a difference with his or her contribution. We work in an agile setup. This means that everyone is responsible for individual work packages and there is frequent feedback. But you are never left alone. You will always receive support from our functional managers and our volunteer mentor Oliver Burkhard. 

The biggest bonus of working as a NWoW Volunteer? The opportunity to look beyond your own niche and make contact with people you would otherwise never have worked with. Here you really get to know many new areas and colleagues who enrich you beyond the project work. We always have a lot of fun and laugh a lot - that was a great distraction from the home office loneliness, especially during the Corona period.”

What does your performance mean for thyssenkrupp? 

“We address issues and projects that would otherwise fall through the cracks. There can be many reasons for this. Perhaps no one in the official organizational structure is responsible, perhaps resources or capacities are lacking. It doesn't matter: we don't look at the problem, we find a solution. And we do this pragmatically with a hands-on mentality, smart ideas and an ever-growing network in our group of companies. You want to be part of it? That's great! We are always happy to have more people join us. You can find all information and contacts here.“

Congratulations to the #topteam of thyssenkrupp for this great achievement! 

Are you also part of a #topteam? Then send us an email. We look forward to celebrating your successes together! 

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