we.match promotes cross-divisional cooperation, networking and knowledge exchange among employees at thyssenkrupp. However, the platform can only develop its full potential if our employees are aware of it and actively use it. Our #topteam, consisting of Antonio Santos Azevedo, Jan Pelnar, Andrea Jäntsch, Daniel Hille, Diana König, Valeri Romich, Alina Piotrowski, Leonie Weber, Fabian Fischer and Marcus Prenzel, has therefore set itself the task of promoting we.match with numerous measures. The first figures after just about 90 days of we.match show that this has already been successful: over 38 projects, more than 100 contacts made, over 3,000 users - and more every day.

What have you achieved as a team?

We have made it our task to make we.match known to the employees. The big challenge in launching a two-sided platform is to ensure both sufficient demand and sufficient supply.

In order to get a good understanding of the different user groups, we first conducted standardised interviews with employees and managers from all segments.

On this basis, we derived various communication activities and created different materials. These include promotional videos, tutorials on how to use the platform, newsletter texts and flyers. What was particularly fun: We did a launch event in the Quartier, where the we.match platform was ceremoniously launched together with managers.

How did you achieve that?

We worked together in an agile setup. In order to keep ourselves up to date on the achievement of our 2-week targets, we regularly communicated with the whole team several times a week. In addition, we met every two weeks for open feedback rounds, evaluated our collaboration and thus continuously improved: What is already going well? Where can we still improve?

Due to the composition of the team from different segments and specialist areas, we were able to draw on a broad range of competences and experience. In this context, our special thanks go to the thyssenkrupp talents who, in addition to their line work, developed the project results and played a major role in the successful launch of the we.match platform.

What is the significance of your achievement for thyssenkrupp?

With we.match, we are making a significant contribution to the fact that there is or will be more cross-divisional cooperation, networking and knowledge exchange in the corporate group. This is particularly important for thyssenkrupp, because one thing is clear: the knowledge of our colleagues is an important asset and we must ensure that it is shared - across divisions. 

For example, the first module "people2projects" enables cross-divisional collaboration in projects. The principle is very simple: project leaders post their projects for all to see, thus creating transparency about projects in which employees can get involved.

Past August, the second module “Call a Colleague” was launched. The module creates an easily accessible and protected space for all employees to support each other on specific issues and share valuable experiences.

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