What have you achieved as a team?

"Excellent quality in welding work. The background: Employees in production are confronted with new challenges in welding. A few years ago, a wider range of tolerances applied to the welding of steel tubes on submarines. Now the tolerances are much narrower. This is difficult - especially since the large steel tubes can change their position during welding. We have developed a solution with the help of artificial intelligence: The steel tubes are now brought into optimal positions so that employees can weld in a targeted manner. This improves performance, reduces accidents at work and eliminates the cost of reworking. We are particularly pleased that we won the OPS award for outstanding quality thanks to our team performance."

How did you achieve this together?

"We have achieved this new level of quality in welding work with the help of IoT sensors. We used those sensors that send accurate deviation data to a computer. This allows us to observe how the steel tubes behave during welding. Constant measurements make it possible to check the result in real time: deviations can be visualized with millimeter precision and precautions can be taken. Quality measurements can therefore be taken without any relevant time delay, and work can be carried out quickly but to the highest quality standards. The set tolerance limit is clearly undercut with this procedure: We work with millimeter precision - like a watchmaker.
This is a new technique. The key is to gain experience! In order to do this, we evaluated some of the data over the weekend. This enabled us to stay on schedule and deliver the best quality for the customer's benefit."

What does your performance mean for thyssenkrupp?

"We are really proud of our joint success. Thanks to our combined knowledge across departmental boundaries, we were all able to learn new things. And that's not all: We receive customer feedback that our performance is precisely one reason for awarding contracts to thyssenkrupp Marine Systems. Because that's how we deliver what we promise: Quality Made in Germany." 

Congratulations to the #topteam of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems for this great achievement!

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