This #topteam is working together to create a foundation for a more sustainable future for all through green hydrogen and chemical technology in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Damla Hamurcular, Shashank Singh and Silke Klausen from the RP APA team along with Daniel Martinho, Nithesh Mohun, Yurisha Singh, Christopher Frank, Rajend Govender from thyssenkrupp Uhde tell us in an interview how they have achieved this.

What did you achieve as a team?

South Africa and Namibia have abundant solar and wind resources. Therefore, renewable energies are cheap. This offers enormous potential: developing markets for green hydrogen and green chemicals that help tackle climate change and drive the energy transition worldwide.  

Our goal was to better understand the potential of this emerging market in South Africa and Namibia and develop an effective roadmap for thyssenkrupp Uhde's local sites. This is exactly what we achieved: with a clear vision and objectives, we conducted a detailed market analysis and developed a go-to-market strategy for South Africa and Namibia. Today, RP APA continue to support the local Uhde team in implementing the strategy, especially with knowledge in stakeholder management and engagement. 

How did you achieve this together?  

This project is an excellent example of successful collaboration between thyssenkrupp AG’s Regional Platform APA and the Business Unit. By bringing together different skills and expertise, we were able to achieve the best results and really develop team spirit!

At the beginning of the project, we clearly defined the goals, timeline and roles. This was crucial in order to build an effective team, set expectations and eventually achieve the goals.  

In the first phase of the project, we conducted a comprehensive market assessment: The Regional Platform Asia Pacific Africa team handled market intelligence and conducted in-depth research and analysis, while the tk Uhde South Africa team provided information on its local customer know-how. This helped us to develop a strong and secure strategy. Thanks to the agile working method and regular exchanges via Microsoft teams, we were able to complete the first phase within just 1.5 months.

Later, the entire team came together in Johannesburg to work on the strategy part of the project: a week of productive discussions and meetings. By sharing ideas with other functions of the company, such as engineering and finance, we were able to clarify open issues and improve our planning.

Trust, transparency and openness in our project team made our super team performance possible.

What does your achievement mean for thyssenkrupp?

This project demonstrates our culture at thyssenkrupp. True to the motto: engineering. tomorrow. together.

Through our collaboration, we can now offer technical solutions for a sustainable future with our green hydrogen and green chemicals technologies in South Africa and Namibia, while at the same time developing our group of companies.  

At thyssenkrupp there are thousands of employees who are experts in many different fields and work at different locations. It was crucial for us to identify the people who have the strengths needed to make this project a success. With these diverse skills, we have created a great team! 

We are certain: This project not only represents the strength of a joint team from Regional Platform APA and tk Uhde in South Africa and Namibia, but also thyssenkrupp's initiatives in the energy transition. This is how we make a difference.  

We are living proof: With #GENERATIONTK anything is possible.

Congratulations to the #topteam of thyssenkrupp from the Regional Platform Asia Pacific Africa and thyssenkrupp Uhde for this great achievement! 

Are you also part of a #topteam? Then send us an email. We look forward to celebrating your successes together!

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